Monday, May 18, 2015

Give to TSA Watch

The fundraising drive at TSA Watch has been stuck at $6,921 for weeks. The TSA is sexually assaulting people at airports in this country every day. We and many other organizations have been documenting it for years. I don't know what else people need to know in order to care.

Oh, wait a minute -- for some people, getting robbed is more serious than getting sexually assaulted. Okay, fine. The TSA is robbing people at airports in this country every day. 

Hold on -- just remembered something else -- for other people, being forced to miss their flight is the worst that can happen. Okay. The TSA is detaining people (don't tell me they don't have the "right" -- they do it all the time) and forcing them to miss their flights.

The TSA also routinely censors comments on its blog, which is supposed to exist for the benefit of the public and for which we pay with our tax dollars.

The TSA is a criminal agency that bullies, harasses, robs, and assaults people every day. Do you care? Or are you content as long as it happens to Someone Else?

If you give a shit, then please support TSA Watch.